Sunday, September 11, 2011

1st public hearing to increase Titus Co tax rate, Monday, Sept 12, 10 AM (Commissioners court 9 AM)

The first public hearing to increase the Titus Co tax rate will be held Monday morning at the courthouse, following the Commissioner's regular meeting (which begins at 9am). If adopted, the tax rate would increase from .3483 per hundred to .3872 per hundred.
If you can arrive early and attend the Commissioner's meeting also, I would encourage you to do so. A report on the $168 million dollar "loop" project is on the agenda. I find it very ironic that at the same time taxes are about to increase and our local economy is on life support, we are spending a massive amount of tax dollars for a road that many now question the necessity of. The interest alone is costing us $3 million tax dollars a year.
Regarding the hearing on the tax rate at 10, please attend if you can. You don't have to speak, just your voter presence will let our commissioners court know that a tax increase is not a good idea in this economy. Many of you have been reviewing the county's $10 million budget and there are cuts to be made. Our commissioners and the county judge are supposed to be reviewing the budget as well, but they just can't seem to find $1..6 million to cut. Our question is what do they plan if Luminant is closed down by the EPA at the end of this year-I have asked if the current budget would be revised and didn't get a very satisfactory answer.
Monday, Sept 12, 10 am at the Courthouse. If you are taxed enough already, plan to be there!
Barbara Bruechner, Mt. Pleasant Tea Party

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