Dewhurst continued to rewrite his record to make it more palatable to Republican primary voters. In the interview, he said: "In the last 10 years, if you count this next biennium, I have the most fiscally conservative record in probably the country." (
On Income Tax
Dewhurst In 2006: "I'd Rather See A Tax A Based On Income." "'I think I'd rather see a tax that's based on income – you earn money, you pay something, you don't earn money, you don't pay anything,' Dewhurst said." (April Castro, "Businesses Studying Proposed Tax Structure," The Associated Press, 3/30/06)
On The Job-Killing Dewhurst "Wage Tax"
In May 2005, A Lead Editorial In The Wall Street Journal Slammed David Dewhurst's Tax & Budget Plan. "Everything's big in Texas, and, if powerful Republican Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst has his way, that will soon include the state budget." (Editorial, "Deep In The Heart Of Taxes," The Wall Street Journal, 5/10/05)
On The Job-Killing Dewhurst "Wage Tax"
The Dewhurst Wage Tax Would Cost Texas 40,000 Jobs. "A wage tax is a toll on employers for hiring workers, and according to one study the latest Senate plan would cost about 40,000 jobs, or the equivalent of eight auto factories." (Editorial, "Deep In The Heart Of Taxes," The Wall Street Journal, 5/10/05)
On Tax Hikes
Dewhurst Told Business Groups In 2005: "It's Time To Start Paying Your Fair Share." "Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst angrily accused some top business groups of spreading false information about the Senate's tax plan Tuesday, and he issued them a stern warning: It's time to start paying your fair share. 'There are a lot of lobbyists running around the Capitol today that are interested in protecting special interests and loopholes in the [tax] law,' Mr. Dewhurst said. Noting that five of six businesses don't pay the state's current franchise tax, he added, 'That is called a loophole.'" (Terrence Stutz, "Dewhurst Blasts Tax Plan Foes Lieutenant Governor Tells Businesses: Pay Your Share," Dallas Morning News, 5/4/05)
David Dewhurst, August 2003: "We Think We Can Shift Into A Montage Of Different Smaller Tax Increases In Different Areas And Also Put One Or Two Non-Tax Revenue Proposals Into The Mix." "Regarding the funding of schools, the Republican said Senate leaders were committed to reducing school property taxes by at least 50 percent about $ 7.7 billion a year and replacing the money with a variety of tax increases and some new non-tax sources, including some savings. 'We think we can shift into a montage of different smaller tax increases in different areas and also put one or two non-tax revenue proposals into the mix,' he said." (Terrence Stutz, "Panel To Weigh Tax Hikes In Texas School-Funding Overhaul," Dallas Morning News, 8/1/03)
On The Rainy-Day Fund
Don't miss the opportunity to hear what Grassroots and Tea Party people think about the job David Dewhurst and the Texas Leadership have done. Watch this video and get the real story on the Texas Budget.
JoAnn Fleming, Chair – Advisory Committee to the TEA Party
Where applicable, a political advertisement paid for by the GAWTP PAC, PO Box 130012,Tyler, TX 75713, Jimmie Taylor, PAC Treasurer.